Introducing the ‘Quantum Soul Healer Program for Healers’ with Nichole Cobb, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Dive deep into transformative techniques that merge quantum physics, spiritual/energetic practices, health/wellness & holistic psychotherapy. Unlock potent healing abilities to nurture not just the body, but the soul. Guided by Nichole’s expertise, participants will learn groundbreaking methods to uplift and rejuvenate. Perfect for healers ready to elevate their practice, and for those seeking profound personal growth.
Physical & lifestyle
There is a natural continuity between food and medicine. Exploring holistic-informed modalities such as Ayurveda and naturopathic philosophies in the therapeutic setting offers a safe space to explore different approaches, or to refine your own.
Mental & emotional
Trauma-informed, attachment-based psychotherapeutic approaches recognized as significantly important to unpacking, processing, integrating and healing the scars that aren’t visible. This is also known as inner child healing. This loops us back to soul healing, which impacts all levels of growth and challenges around healing in this life.
Physical & lifestyle
There is a natural continuity between food and medicine. Applying holistic-informed modalities such as Ayurveda and naturopathic philosophies in the therapeutic setting offers a safe space to explore different approaches, or to refine your own. Individualized practices, routines and diets help promote a balanced life that positively impacts mental health, as well as bringing the physical body into better alignment.
Spiritual & soul-level
Emphasizing the integration of astrology, sacred geometry, the body’s energy centers, numerology, and past life regressions as a united approach to healing at a soul level.
Mental & emotional
Trauma-informed, attachment-based psychotherapeutic approaches recognized as significantly important to unpacking, processing, integrating and healing the scars that aren’t visible. This is also known as inner child healing. This loops us back to soul healing, which is absolutely something that happens through exploring and better understanding our life path- where we have been and where it is leading us.
In this 8 Week Program, there is an abundance of materials and resources you are given for each of the powerful modules you experience:
Unpack in a safe space, begin healing and integration process
2. Explore your highly individualized astrology chart, along with its influences
3. How energetic vibrations of your individualized numerology chart will affect your path in life
4. Deep dive into energy healing, the bioenergetic field and the power of frequencies
5. Mastering the art of manifestation and working in the Quantum Field
6. Exploring the correlation between mental and physical health with personalized recommendations for a holistic lifestyle
7. Past life regression to facilitate further healing and integration, releasing soul contracts to facilitate growth for the soul
8. Cultivating a powerful relationship with Higher Self to stay in alignment with intuition, trusting your path
What to expect in this powerful healing program
Module 1
A safe space is created to dive deeper into what your intentions are for this program, as well as exploring your personal history and what has brought you here.
Focuses on the Root chakra, relating to foundations.
You will also receive:
Video discussion of the topic, specifically touching on inner child healing and better understanding how your personal attachment style is meant to be a source of power and fulfillment. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Root chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 2
Explore your personal astrology report to gain a new perspective around your relationship with the cosmos and why this is a powerful tool for self-growth and validation of your personal needs, strengths and challenges.
Focuses on the Sacral chakra and staying in the flow with the cosmos, where our soul is birthed.
You will also receive:
Video discussion of astrology and its role in the program, specifically how your personal planets/points are the building blocks of who you are and what you are meant to do in this life. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Sacral chakra healing activation
Your Personal Astrology Full Chart Layout
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 3
Learn the impact of frequencies – specifically in numbers – and your relationship with them, based on your personal numerology report and the influences it reflects.
Focuses on Solar Plexus chakra, taking back power over your life and stepping into alignment with the energies you are surrounded by.
You will also receive:
Video discussion of numerology, its role in this program and how that impacts you personally, as well as a general understanding of what different numbers mean. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Solar Plexus chakra healing activation
Your Personal Numerology Report
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 4
You are likely experienced with energy healing and understand how impactful the frequencies in and around us are; this is an opportunity to further cultivate your understanding of vibrations and how they help us stay in alignment both physically and mentally. In your session for this module, you will experience an energy healing session tailored to your specific needs or intention. The focus is on the Heart chakra, understanding it is the seat of our soul; a critical component in healing and manifesting. You will also receive:
Video discussion of energy healing and why it is part of the program; the power of frequencies to support mental and physical health. We will diver deeper into different kinds of frequencies to facilitate healing on an energetic level. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Heart chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 5
Learn a unique and potent way of tapping into the Quantum Field so you can activate intentions for the 4 main areas of life through a ritualistic experience in your session for this module. The focus will be on the Throat chakra, further understanding how speaking things into existence is a divine right we were born with and can learn to tap into so we can create an ideal life. You will also receive:
Video discussion explaining what the Quantum Field is and the 3 critical components of manifesting; your emotions, your energy and the words you speak. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Throat chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 6
There is a strong correlation between mental and physical health, and in this space you will learn about your unique health recommendations based off ancient and holistic models. We will explore the beliefs you were raised with around health and wellness, as well as an opportunity to cultivate your ideal lifestyle and wellness routines. This focus is around the 3rd Eye chakra, decalcifying its physical counterpart – the Pineal Gland – and accessing a deep state of intuition to facilitate healing on a physical and spiritual level. You will also receive:
Video discussion around unpacking the programmed beliefs and mindsets we have around key areas in life, a clear reason for being a part of the QSH model. Specifically relating to health and wellness so you can refine your daily practices and use a more intuitive approach in your diet and lifestyle. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: 3rd Eye chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Post-session Health and Wellness packets for both personalized and general recommendations
Module 7
Many have experienced past life regressions, however the Quantum Soul Healing approach to regressions is an expansive experience that will help you better understand what it is you are having challenges around and feel a deep need to address as a part of your healing experience. QSH regressions not only help heal the issue at hand, it also facilitates healing and growth on a soul level. The focus is on the Crown chakra, accessing higher levels of awareness and connecting to the Akashic Field for this personalized experience. The session for this module will include a past life regression that you will create an intention for. You will also receive:
Video discussion around why regressions are a critical component of the program, how focusing on traumas or lessons in this life alone are not sufficient when you are in the role of being a healer yourself. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Crown chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
Module 8
This is an opportunity to refine your understanding of Higher Self and the relationship you must cultivate with them to stay in the highest alignment on your journey in this life. The experiences, tools, intentions and information over the last 8 weeks are all integrated into your healing experience and celebrated with a personal ceremony in this last session. This session will also include a higher self activation, facilitating a safe space to create or deepen your relationship with your Higher Self. This last module will focus on the Star chakra, where your Higher Self resides and is always available to support you. You will also receive:
Video discussion exploring the relationship with Higher Self and why alignment is so important, as well as the role of everything the program covered and how to use this experience for your maximum potential as a healer. Comes with companion materials.
Audio meditation: Star chakra healing activation
60 minute Zoom session with Nichole
Pre-module reflection questions
Post-session integration questions
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